What is Gaming cardio? Well, it is a phrase I just made up, so let me explain. If you visit our website regularly you might have noticed a few articles about fitness. Like the RPG-style workout series called ‘Level up your fitness’, where we basically ‘gamify’ your workout so you can enjoy it more. But what about video games that have a workout already built in? Why not use those games to entertain ourselves and level up our ‘fitness game’ as well? Genius! Right? So here’s my list of suggestions for video games that I consider to fall under the category of Gaming cardio to help you get the best of both worlds!
Beat Saber: release you inner Jedi
What happens when you combine Star Wars, virtual reality, and some rhythmic movements? You get Beat Saber! Unleash your inner Jedi and get your groove on while hacking up some blocks on the beat. Confession time, Beat Saber is the main reason why I purchased an Oculus Quest. So I can tell from experience that this game is mega addictive and will make you sweat for sure. And you can use FitBeat for one hell of a workout. Interested in ‘VR fitness’ in general? Read more about it here.
From Wii fit to Ring Fit Adventure: Nintendo makes you work for it
We all know Wii Fit right? Maybe combined with a Wii balance board? The latest Nintendo combination is Nintendo Switch Sports or Ring Fit Adventure played with a Ring-Con. Basically, Nintendo thought let’s put one Joy-con controller on a small circle and one on an upper thigh and let people move around with it. Okay let me rephrase.. and let people squat and push the circle a lot. Sounds fun right? No? Trust me Wii Fit Adventure and Nintendo Switch sports have upsides. Meaning the ‘minigames’ are quite enjoyable and you will break a sweat for sure. The downside? The games are not enjoyable for long. It’s a nice gimmick that you buy knowing pretty well it will collect dust later. So this type of Gaming cardio might not be for the long run.
Just Dance (the night away)
You haven’t lived unless you played a dancing game. Let’s be honest Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) was an arcade revolution. I still remember little old me jumping around on those arrows trying my best to step right on the beat. In and outside of the arcade. Outside the arcade? How do you ask? Well, I had a plastic DDR mat at home! And yes, In case you were wondering, I was spoiled.
Later on, I bought more dancing games, such as the Dance Central series and The Hip Hop Dance experience. I played most of these games with an Xbox 360 and Xbox Kinect (Slowly I am starting to reveal my age), but nowadays there are updated options available for the Xbox One and some VR headsets. Another well-known dancing game is Just Dance. Which is also available for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch owners out there. With Just Dance Now you can even do your dance gaming routine with just your PC (or laptop) and your mobile phone.
Want to implement more Latin vibes in your Gaming Cardio? Maybe Zumba burn it up on the Nintendo Switch is just the game for you! To sum things up. There is a dance game for almost everybody. And if you really enjoy this kind of videogames then you don’t even feel like you are working out. Now that’s a plus!
Boxing Games: fight your way to that summer body
Level up your fitness game by using some imaginary boxing gloves. And get some pent-up anger out of the way while you are at it. How? By using BoxVR or Knockout League for example. In need of something more futuristic (or less realistic) then try Mech League Boxing. Maybe we can train on how to fight the robots when they take over the world. Hey, a girl gotta have goals.
Don’t feel like boxing with a VR headset on? Because you can get kind of dizzy while wearing a bulky headset. Then there is always Fitness Boxing for the Nintendo Switch. But please people, please. Whatever you do. Don’t throw the (Joy-con) controllers at the tv or against a wall. Use the straps, they are there for a reason. Thank you!
Walk around as a Pokémon trainer or run from Zombies!
Did you get tired by just reading the previously mentioned gaming cardio examples? Do you just want to take a nice stroll through the park and stop sometimes to look at the sky or the trees? Well, you can do that. And in the meantime, you can play a nice game as well. We all know Pokémon Go by now. And if you don’t, under which rock have you been living?
But there are more games out there that make you go outside. The Walk for example. A mobile app created with the NHS and the UK’s Department of Health. The objective? A bomb exploded in Inverness station, and you’re given a package that could save the world. You’ll need to walk the length of the UK to stay alive. So start walking! Or you can forget about the UK and just go play some oldskool Ingress Prime. If you do let me know which faction you are on. Not enough excitement for your taste? Or do you want to run instead of walking? Try Zombies Run! maybe the flesh-eating undead will keep you moving.
Get zen with Yoga Master
Is even walking to up tempo for you? And do you want to be a yoga master or master some yoga skills (interpretation is everything). Then you should probably take a look at Yoga Master for the Nintendo Switch. Yoga Master is the first wellness game of its kind designed by experts to help you reach the perfect balance between mind and body. At least that is what the creators say so we have to believe them right? Okay in all seriousness. If you are having a hard time picking up your yoga routine this game can really help you get the hang of it (again).
Gaming Cardio suggestions?
Maybe this list of gaming cardio can help you with your new year’s revolution on the subject of your ow so important physical (and mental) health. Did I forget an awesome addition to this list? Tell us in a comment below or send us a message on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook!