LFG = Looking for Gamers?
A question some people want answered is: ‘do girls like to date gamers?’. It’s something we didn’t realize was important, but somehow a lot of the female gamers we know are in a relationship with other gamers. You can read about a few of these gaming couples here. So what we wanted to know from our community was: How important is it that their (future) partner is a gamer? Do they really prefer to date gamers? And if so, how important is the fact that they like games when you’re deciding wether or not to date someone?
Is dating gamers becoming an obsession?
When you have a community filled with girl gamers, you get a lot of questions about it. Sometimes we get asked if guys are allowed in, or if we could make an exception just for them. It’s always akward to deal with the hurt bunny looks that you get every single time you answer the questions with ‘no’. We also get asked if there are any single girls in our community. Some people even suggest that we should organize speed dates or make a dating website for gamers so that they can meet the girls. Sorry boys (and girls), we are not running a dating service here. You have to find a gamer girlfriend by yourself. But, what is this obsession gamers have with dating other gamers? And does this obsession also excist inside our community?
Who wouldn’t want to date someone who understands what makes you tick and accepts you just the way you are?
Since the girls in our community did an excellent job on answering our last poll ‘Do girls prefer to play with female characters?‘, we decided it was time for a new one. This time we asked the girls: ‘How important is it to you that your (future) partner is also a gamer?’ Is it an absolute requirement? Or is it not important at all? Would you be fine either way, but secretly think to yourself that it would be a bonus if they were gamers too?
Give it to us straight, doc.
Again almost 140 girls responded to the poll. The girls even added an answer: It’s not important if my partner is a gamer too, as long as they accept my gaming lifestyle. One girl even answered with an endearing ‘ I wish..’ that made our hearts melt. Bless her soul. Just for her, a speed date for gamers doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Am I right?
So are you ready to hear the verdict on the question: Dating gamers, yae or nay? Here are the answers of 136 girl gamers:
- 58,1 per cent answered that it didn’t matter if their (future) partner is a gamer, but if they do play games it’s a bonus.
- 29,4 per cent doesn’t care if they date gamers, but their (future) partner does however have to accept their gaming lifestyle.
- 8,8 per cent answered that their (future) partner absolutely had to be a gamer too.
- 3,7 per cent of the girl gamers were fine with dating both gamers and non-gamers.
What our community said wether girls like to date gamers.
Now comes our favorite part of these polls. We have gathered some quotes from the girls regarding this subject:
- My partner is a gamer and it’s a lot of fun. We play a lot of multiplayer games, but sometimes we play completely different games as well. Just as long as we can play together or against each other.
- Lucky for me, my boyfriend is also a gamer. I used to date someone who only played World of Warcraft. I’d get a lot of comments about how I was always playing games when he was around. I’m so happy that I can have game nights with my current boyfriend, sometimes untill early in the morning. Most of the time we play different games, but we don’t use headsets so that we can still talk to each other.
- I also have a partner that likes to play games. We play Destiny together all the time.
- Maybe you should have added the option ‘I’d rather not date gamers’ so you don’t have my problem of always being greeted by the dog first in stead of my boyfriend, who’s too busy playing on his PlayStation.
- I actually met my boyfriend because of gaming.
- I don’t care if she plays games or not. As long as she’s not playing games 24/7 and doesn’t pay me any attention because of it.
It’s clear
Well, ok. I think the answer is quite clear, don’t you? For a whopping 91,2 per cent of the girls it doesn’t really matter if they date gamers. Even tho it would be nice to share a hobby or at least have someone who accepts you and how you decide to spend your time. I think the fantasy of dating fellow gamers is rooted in that last benefit. Who wouldn’t want to date someone who understands what makes you tick and accepts you just the way you are? If our lonely hearts out there keep this in mind, then even non-gamers could have a good chance of finding themselves a gamer girlfriend or boyfriend.
Dating gamers, Hot or Not?
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed that less than 1 in 10 female gamers inside our community would only want to date other gamers. I don’t think that that number proves that our girls are obsessed with only dating gamers. If anything, it shows that most girls want to date people based on a number of qualities. Like most things in life, when it comes to making choices they take into account a variety of attributes. So statistically speaking we’d have to answer the questions ‘Do girls like to date gamers?’ with a ‘No, not necessarily’. What do you guys think? Do you prefer to date gamers? And if so, then why? Let us know in the comments or tell us your answer on Twitter.
I absolutely love dating someone who is as into gaming as I am, because he understands the need to sometimes spend the entire Sunday in your jammies playing games.
For the first time in my life I’m dating a gamer like me and I couldn’t be happier. In the past I was always criticized, I was told why don’t you grow up or you shouldn’t be playing at your age. But now I’m having a blast, I love World of Warcraft but we play different games together like ESO. We understand each other and neither me or him ever feel guilty. We both understand that sometimes it is good to step out of reality to feel less stressed.
Hi Maria,
We are so happy to hear that you found a fellow gamer! The most important thing in a relationship is accepting each other.
We hope you guys have a lot of romantic raids ahead of you in WoW <3