After watching the Doctor Strange movie in the cinema, Marvel’s 14th movie, I just had to write about it. The movie was strangely amazing, even though I thought it was going to be really shitty. I am not a huge fan of all comic movies and some of them out there are seriously bad. *cough*… Batman VS Superman…*cough*. But this one was pretty cool. The cinematics were great. And no, I didn’t watch it in 3D, otherwise I would have a headache for the rest of the month.
Ok, to start off. They did change some things in the movie. For example ’the Ancient One’ or ’the teacher’. ‘She’ is originally a ‘he’ in the comic. To be more specific, an Asian ‘he’. The reason Marvel studios changed it in the movie is because they like to change things up from time to time, says Doctor Strange producer and Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. Here’s a quote he gave to Entertainment Weekly back in 2015:
We’re never afraid to change. In the comic books, Jarvis is an elderly butler. In the movies, he’s an A.I. system which becomes Paul Bettany’s Vision. We are always looking for ways to change. I think if you look at some of the early incarnations of the Ancient One in the comics, they are what we would consider today to be quite, sort of, stereotypical. They don’t hold up to what would work today. Also, within the storyline of the comics, and our movie, ‘the Ancient One’ is a title that many people have had. We hit very early on on, What if the Ancient One was a woman? What if the title had been passed and the current Ancient One is a woman? Oh, that’s an interesting idea.
But one thing that didn’t change in the Marvel movies and comics are the Infinity Stones. They caught my eye immediately. Do you know what powers the stones behold? What they can do if you put all of the stones together? Oh yes, there are more than one of them. Well, my fellow geeks, I will tell you. Because this geek did her homework for you. I hope you don’t mind spoilers. If you haven’t seen the movie or read the comics yet and don’t want to know all about this awesomeness then please click away.
Dropping Geek Knowledge (about the Infinity Stones)
Oh cool, you are still here! Well let’s get to it. I going to try to explain what the Infinity stones are. There are six of these gems ( yes, the comic calls them gems). They are made by 4 entities, in the form of Death, Entropy, Infinity and Eternity called Cosmic Entities. These four beings represent a piece of all existence. Eternity represent the psychical manifestation of the universe. Infinity represent the expansion of all existence in the universe. Entropy and Death are the opposites of Infinity and Eternity, so end of life of the universe. Death appears in the comics and walks amongst the living.
As I was saying there are six Infinity Stones or Gems and each stone has it’s own unique power. Mind, Power, Time, Reality, Soul and Space. And all together in the Infinity Gauntlet you will get immense power over everything. Enough power to wipe out the universe. Yes, that much power. A power that Thanos, the ultimate villain in the Marvel Universe, eventually wants to obtain. Now let’s talk about the unique powers of these stones separately.
The Mind Stone
The Mind stone gives you telepathy, telekinesis and enhanced mind powers. In the Infinity Gauntletg it will connect all minds and you can rule over them. Imagine the power of Cerebro, which the Professor uses it in the X-men movies and comics, but without the room and the helmet. This stone appears in a lot of different story lines. Here are some facts:
- At this moment the Mind stone is on Vision’s head (many people might not know him). Ironically, Vision has no idea why the stone is a part of him.
- Thanos gave a scepter (which contains the Mind stone) to Loki to retrieve the Space stone from Earth in order to get his army that he so desperatly wanted.
- The Mind stone was first seen in the Avengers movie.
The Space stone
The Space stone, also known as the Tesseract, allows it’s user to teleport, have increased speed, create wormholes and within the gauntlet, exist everywhere at once! Wow, so I can lie in bed, go to work, have a drink, kick some ass during online gaming and save the world at once. Someone give me this Infinity stone! By the way, Loki used this stone to make a portal so that the Chitauri army could invade Earth. But eventually they got their ass kicked. The stone was returned by Thor to his home planet Asgard. Some fans might know that the Asgardian leader Odin reshapes the Space stone into a cube and hides it on earth. It is then found by Hydra during World War II.
The Reality stone
The Reality stone a.k.a. Aether is not really a stone. It’s a red floating liquid that attaches itself to a host. The Reality stone let’s you play God and do whatever you want. You can change reality, destroy anything, convert matter to dark matter and within the glove it can change the entire universe. It was first seen in Thor: The Dark World. And pulled from Jane Forster by Dark Elf leader Malekith, who wanted to use it to… well duh.. destroy everything. Thor kicked his ass and it was given to a mere mortal called ‘The Collector’, who you also see in the Guardians of the Galaxy.
The Power stone
The carrier of the Power stone will get increased strength, increased endurance and invulnerability. Inside the Infinity gauntlet, it will increase the powers of the other Infinity stones. But only if you are worthy of the stone, or else it will melt your face. So don’t be too quick to pick up this stone. It’s first film appearance was in Guardians of the Galaxy and the stone was found by Starlord on planet Morag. At this moment it’s resting in the hands of the Nova Corps. But for how long…
The Time stone
The Time stone gives you the power to time travel, slow down or speed up time, stay young, see the past or the future, trap subjects in time loops and in the infinity gauntlet it will simultaneously exist in all time lines. And yes, the Time stone was seen in the lovely Doctor Strange movie. Where Mister, oops sorry, Doctor Strange uses it to stay in a time loop to bargain with Dormammu over and over again. At the moment it sits nicely in Nepal.
The Soul stone
These are the only stones that you have seen in the movies, but in the comics there is one more stone called the Soul stone. The Soul stone is a somewhat sentient creature that is said to hunger for souls. The Soul stone can steal or alter souls and trap souls. In the Infinity gauntlet it will control all life. I have no idea in what movie this stone will be revealed. Maybe in Black Panter? Guardians of the Galaxy 2? Thor – Ragnarok? Spider-man? A new Avengers movie?
Now we know what the stones do, but in the movies you haven’t even seen 10% of what the Infinity War saga is going to look like. Heroes and villains have to work together because they will have a common enemy. If the Gauntlet and the stones get into the wrong hands, then we have a problem in the Marvel Universe. All of these movies are connected and it all comes down to the stones. Who ever holds them controls the universe.
Why destroy everything?
Why does Thanos want to destroy the universe with the Infinity Stones? If you destroy everything then eventually there is nothing to conquer. Well, this one is really simple… in the comics Thanos cannot withstand love. Yes, he is deeply in love with Mistress Death. Just to be able to get her attention, he is willing to destroy everything in existence as a tribute to her.
And the weird thing about all of this is that at some point she is going to fall in love with Deadpool! OH YEAHHH! Shit is going down and Thanos will make Deadpool pay. By granting Deadpool immortility, he makes sure that he will never be together with his beloved Death. Will this be portrayed in Deadpool 2?
I have high expectations for the future Marvel movies, because right now our heroes are not strong enough to kill the enemies who hold these powerful Gems / Infinity Stones. But for you ultra geeks out there, go check out the comics, because it’s so interesting. Worth your while or wait a few more years.
Time will tell…