Harry Potter body paint
During the game festival First Look 2016 we met the very talented Karlijn Levering from Gamepaint.eu. At this event she was creating amazing gaming body paints. After the event Karlijn contacted us because of an article she read on the website written bij Marianne. The article was called ‘My Harry Potter Obsession’. Karlijn let us know that she was inspired by Marianne’s article and wanted to make a Harry Potter body paint piece with Marianne as a model. And wouldn’t you know it? The ladies hit it off and soon after Marianne was a guest on Karlijn’s body paint stream.
Marianne: “I was asked to lend out my back as an empty canvas for a body painting of the cover of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. While I was playing the Harry Potter Lego game (which is awesome by the way. Thank you, Karlijn, for introducing this to me!) Karlijn got her Harry Potter freak on and started painting.”
Questions, Harry Potter games & a Giveaway
Karlijn quickly went to work with different colors and types of body paint makeup whilst Marianne was playing Lego Harry Potter with Karlijn’s boyfriend Mathijs. In the meantime viewers came to know everything about the Harry Potter stories and Marianne could answer any questions the viewers had about her favorite subject in the world.
For example, we asked her what her Patronus would be. Marianne told us that if you would be able to choose your Patronus, it would be a phoenix. Unfortunately you can not choose your Patronus, but the Pottermore site helps you find out what your Patronus would be. Not only that, you can also participate in the sorting ceremony and a wand chooses you to go on all the adventures in the world of magic.
All viewers then quickly went to work to carry out all the tests. Karlijn also got a Patronus. By answering some difficult questions you could win an e-book copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child during the stream.
During all the pleasant conversations and questions Karlijn was using her own magic to create something magical on Marianne’s back. The book cover of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was identical to the piece of art that she had painted.
Magic creations
Marianne: ‘It was a wicked experience and the result was amazing! Are you curious about my experience? Look at the highlights of the stream!’ You can watch the video above. And if you want to see the entire stream (2 parts), you can find it on the Gamepaint.eu YouTube channel. If you’re curious about her other creations or if you want to watch her streams live, follow Karlijn’s Twitch channel.