Welcome back to the level up your fitness workout series! We are already in week 2 of our 6-week program and we are very excited you are still with us! This week we get to meet our second class: the Paladin. A little more core this week, but of course, a Paladin is basically a magic fighter class, so he has to be able to tank a bit and take bodyshots.
If you are a gamer, chances are you have some gamer friends as well (I am not saying how big these changes are). And while gaming on your own is awesome, enjoying a game with friends is probably even better! Here are some of my (Nicky) favourite games to play together from different genres. Curious as I am, be sure to comment and share your favourite multiplayer game below or on our socials!
Want to level up your fitness for the holiday season? Getting ready for those new beach wear outfits? Looking to finally lose some Corona pounds? Join in and level up your fitness in a easy and fun way with our geeky themed six-week workout series. The workout series is build like an RPG and is adaptable so anyone can join. In the first three weeks we will try out some classes to get acquainted with the sets. And, like in any RPG, as you gain experience, you can pick and choose what your character needs. No fitness experience needed. We will tell you a fun tale full of adventure as well as prepare you for a boss-battle in no time!
As new consoles get released (hello, PS5!) older consoles we all used to love enter oblivion. Or do they? Retro gaming has been really popular amongst 20- and 30- year olds, as the 80’s and 90’s revival spread through popular culture. That leads us to wonder: what are the most popular Retro Game Consoles? And: can we still buy them to play the games we used to love? The answer to that question? Of course you can!
The Guildwars 2 story takes place in the Asian-inspired Cantha, so I was craving some Chinese food again! With noodles and stir fry being referenced everywhere in the game, I wanted to make Eggplant stir fry again. Just like I did at a cooking class when I was in China. Eggplant stir fry is a Chinese famous dish, usually made with a local Sechuan variant of eggplant, called Yuxiang. While in the game you can buy the eggplants in bulk at Mount Maelstrom, in real life, any eggplants will do. So let’s cook using de Guildwars recipe for eggplant stir fry!
During Covid, popular games like Animal Crossing gave a lot more people a way to escape the intensity of the reality we are dealing with. It almost doesn’t seem like the world we used to know anymore. Almost overnight the online world became more prominent in the lives of people for not only school or work, but also as a place to escape to. In this post, we’ll give you 3 reasons why people used gaming to escape reality during Covid.
I was lucky enough to visit the newly opened Molly’s Arena. A Japanese-style arcade where you can sit down and have ramen and Mochi ice cream. And ofcourse, play the most epic arcade games. And even better, fly loops in an air plane in VR. So if you need some more convincing to drop by this Arcade, let me tell you about why you need to go there ASAP.
Update! Since the 14th of January, Molly’s Arena is open again! Support the local gaming scene and go visit when you can!
Around January most people look back at the previous year and set goals for the next. For many people, losing weight or getting more active is a returning favorite on the goal list. And what better way to focus on reaching your goals than getting a new fitness tracker or smartwatch?
Ever wondered why the NES Classic Edition was so popular back in the day? Why so many people are still playing World of Warcraft Classic? Or why it seems that Arcade Halls are popping up everywhere? How come these retro games are still so popular?
Let’s face it, we don’t have enough time to game. When we grow up to be responsible adults, life gets in the way. We have to work, commute, clean, cook, and take care of pets, kids, and plants. Unless of course, you’ve read this article about gamer-friendly plants. But you get the picture. As a teenager and an adolescent, you don’t have as many responsibilities and there is more time to game. Also, for some reason, you don’t need as much sleep. Gaming until midnight is totally fine, even when you have to wake up early for school or work. As adults, staying up ‘late’ means making it past your bedtime. Which is more often than not 10.30 p.m. And the repercussions of going to bed late are harsh.