First of all, let’s get something straight. We love gamers. That is no secret. And sometimes gamers meet other gamers and fall in love. One of the unique benefits of dating a fellow gamer is that it opens up a whole bunch of possibilities for fun activities both partners can enjoy. As a gaming couple, there are many fun activities you can do together to enhance your gaming experiences.
geek couples
Life is a game and true love is a trophy
Before I start talking about being a ‘geek couple’, let me introduce myself first. My name is Sakuraflor. Though people mostly call me Saku. I am 24 years old and I am half Dutch and half Spanish. I am an artist who is specialized in three different art styles, which are: chibi, manga and semi-realism. Next to that, I am a diehard cosplayer also know as Sakuraflor. But more about that later! I’ve been gaming since I was little, always being the Luigi to my older sister’s Mario. Gradually I started playing more on PC and I kinda got stuck on that.
To be honest, when we got invited to go to BlizzCon 2016 it was like a dream come true: ‘Sakuraflor at BlizzCon!’ It was definitely an event which was on all of our bucketlists. So getting a chance to go there was really insane. We didn’t even really know what to expect. It’s an International con and on top of that, it’s one of the biggest ones in the United States. So we went there with zero expectations.
Once upon a time…
You know what they say: “Couples that play together, stay together.” If that’s correct, then we are heading towards a long and happy life together. Because even our love began in-game! Well… ‘game’ might be a little exaggerated. 11 years ago when I, Joy, was 12 years old and my boyfriend Vic was 14 years old (back in the glorious MSN-age) we met each other on Habbo Hotel (Yes…I’ll wait until you’re done laughing).
A not so romantic beginning for Marjolein & Harmen.
Hello! My name is Marjolein and I’m going to tell you how I met my boyfriend Harmen. Let’s start off by saying that we met in a not so romantic way. I had broken up with my last boyfriend a while ago and decided to hit the dating market again. And as a house mouse nerd, I decided to try out Tinder. Because hey, what could go wrong, right? Sure, I met lots of weirdos, but I also met lots of cuties. And after a few months I connected with Harmen. This is where our story began.
Plumbers are red, Hedgehogs are blue, Press start to join, And be my player two!
God, I wish it was that easy! Just clicking that start button and magical nerd love appears! Yay! You beat Diablo together in no time, Call of Duty becomes a daily thing, watching anime series becomes your life and before you know it seasons seem to fly by in what only feels like a few days. And last but not least, you become a badass couple who can do martial arts together, like those awesome moves you see in Avatar or in the Streetfighter games.
The Gaming Mom: Dominique
Hey all, let me introduce myself. My name is Dominique, also known as HOOLIGAN among the gamers who have played games with me in the past. I’m 18 years old. Ehmm I’m just kidding! I’m 30 years old and a mother of four beautiful children. I got into gaming at an early age and played on the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega and other consoles. I used to play a lot of Super Mario Bros.,Donkey Kong and Sonic The Hedgehog.
The Beautynerd
Hi everyone! Let me give you an introduction first before we start about my love life. My name is Lariesa, 27 years old and a born-and-raised girl gamer. I started gaming at a young age, beginning with a DOS PC, a NES console and I somehow just never stopped playing videogames.
Nerd Love
We all know how hard it is to find the right person and it’s almost impossible to meet that special person who is just as weird as you are. I’m one of those lucky girls who have met her prince of gaming. Don’t get me wrong, Victor (Itaimeni) and I (Yumi) have so much more in common then just videogames. We both love Japanese culture, we love anime and comics, martial arts, cosplay and so much more.