Next weekend is the annual winter edition of Comic Con in the Netherlands. Now, whether it is your first time attending or not, we have made a must-do list of activities you can not miss out on as a gamer. Walking around aimlessly, gawking at other visitors, trying to figure out what to do next? No sir, not if we can help it. Read the list so you too can hit the ground running!
Comic Con
On the 17th of December Girl Gamer Galaxy visited Dutch Xmas Con, a popculture event with a ’taste’ of Christmas. During this event we encountered many great cosplayers, visited a whole lot of stands (with some awesome merchandise) and talked to a lot of interesting people. And now we want to share our experience with you (our dear fellow geeks) so here’s a short (photo)impression of our day.
Girl Gamer Galaxy visits Dutch Xmas Con was last modified: januari 8th, 2017 by Pur-D